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Artistic Adventure: Painting Murals in the Vibrant Dominican Republic

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

For the last several years, I have gotten together with a group of my artist friends from around the world in a fun location to paint a mural.....or in this case....several murals. Last year, we met up in Cozumel, Mexico and painted a mural for a restaurant and Tequila distillery called Chili Tequila. We embellished the entire lower level of the establishment with paintings of Agave plants, and one feature wall mural of the Agave Goddess depicting the birth of Tequila. We traded our skills for food, tequila, and all around amazing hospitality. It was a trip not to be forgotten. Painting alongside several other incredibly talented artists is not only a absolute blast, but we all learn from each other, regardless of skill level. We trade advice, tips & tricks, share experiences both good and bad, and bond over this crazy life that is being a full time artist.

This year, our location of choice was the Dominican Republic. 20 artists from all over the world met up to paint several murals for the Symmetry Oasis, a beautiful retreat in the heart of the Dominican. 47 acres of open air structures and natural beauty all around. Just breathing the air here felt different.

It was peaceful, beautiful and serene. My accommodation of choice for the week along with 4 of my friends was "Casa Redonda", a screened hut sure to offer a nice breeze during the hot Dominican nights. Unfortunately, it rained nearly every day we were there so not only did we get the breeze, we also got pretty wet. All part of the adventure, I suppose!

The new owners of the property, Devin & Chelsea, embarked on this adventure just 4 months prior to our arrival. They purchased the Oasis after falling in love with the Dominican, and the absolute stunning beauty of this property that had been left mostly uninhabited for the past 3 years. The only person who remained on the property was Ramon, the caretaker who had lived there for many years maintaining the grounds, including the pool, so that it appeared as though nothing had changed since the previous owners left. Ramon lovingly cares for the property, and works hard with his hands, even "mowing" the lawns with just a machete.

Devin & Chelsea have been uncovering the history of this unique property through conversations with locals and the family of the previous owners. Previously owned by missionaries, they were a family of 8, with 3 adopted Haitian children and 3 of their own. He was a veterinarian and she was a stained glass artist. Her beautiful stained glass art remains throughout the property and served as the inspiration for our murals. Wishing to pay homage to the artist, we designed several murals that incorporated a "stained glass" technique, starting with the underwater whale scene in the main building. It was a huge mural spanning at least 400 square feet along a curved wall. With so many of us working on the mural, it took us just about a day to complete.

After the main mural, we broke into smaller groups to complete a few other murals and projects around the property. A favorite that I worked on was the sea turtle that we painted in the Grotto of the pool. This surface presented significant challenges as it was very uneven with varying depths and textures. However, with a proper sketch and use of color, we were able to create the illusion of a fairly even surface when you view the mural from across the pool. A mere photo of the mural just doesn't do it justice, so I had to video the surface so you can appreciate what I am talking about here!

I am so grateful for this experience, and for the hospitality of Devin & Chelsea. I know I am not alone when I say I wish them much success in this endeavor. They are truly beautiful and genuine people with the most amazing family - even the kids got in on the painting!

I am proud to have been a part of this new beginning, and I look forward to what is in store for them in the future. You can view and learn more about their beautiful property by clicking here.

Until our next Adventure!

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